Why We Farm
In many ways, farming is the opposite of the modern condition. Whereas our culture promotes unfettered personal freedom, the farmer deliberately tethers herself to the needs of many dependent creatures; whereas our society encourages people to seek out the highest wage, the farmer knowingly foregoes luxury for the sake of purpose; whereas our civilization seeks to insulate us from the realities of life and death, the farmer consciously steps into the wheel of nature in order to experience life in all its raw power and unquenchable beauty.
Each of us at Riddle Brook Farm has chosen to forego some degree of the convenience of modern life in order to access a deeper purpose which seemed lacking in the paths laid out for us by the circumstances of our upbringing. In the process, we have created an ecosystem that feeds us, and a lifestyle that sustains us. Our farm is a source of joy, wonder, and humility in a world that too often overlooks such simple virtues.
In light of these values, we endeavor to treat all our animals with respect, providing them ample space to roam and abundant foraging. Out of respect for our pollinators, we use only natural pesticides with a minimal adverse effect on the local ecosystem. In all aspects of our venture, we strive to work harmoniously within nature, and to treat all human and non-human animals with reverence.